Archive ‘Books

In a world where everybody reads, appreciates, worships the likes of Steve Jobs. In a world where everybody claims “fake it until you make it”, where everybody is pushing the limits of ethics selling what they don’t have, hoping that they will be able to deliver before the hell brakes loose. In a world where […]

A few days ago I stumbled upon this material: Although it’s a about a pitch in 2004 – it’s LinkedIn’s real pitch deck in 2004 for Round B investment – or maybe just because of that :-), it makes a very interesting read. It is commented and contextualized, with dos and don’ts.


In: Books / 2 comments

8 Apr 2013

From the series “interesting things I’ve read lately”:

I found a really interesting book: Unlocking your company’s value. It is one of the few books that rightfully targets successful entrepreneurs (in other words, still entrepreneurs, but more than just “I have an idea”). It explains how an Exit “really” happens. Still more interesting, it has a perspective on our geographical area, meaning that […]

It’s one of the useful books (written by Michael A. Boylan) that made me think about the importance of the opportunity of talking 5 minutes with someone. I thought about presenting it briefly after someone asked me the other day what they could do to contact Mr. X who was unapproachable.

  • adnana: I have just finished reading Bad Blood and it is just incredible. What I found it also incredible wa [...]
  • Florin Miron: As usually a cold shower from Radu. It's good and reasonable advice for entrepreneurs, not necessary [...]
  • Eduard: Excellent description on bitcoins, lol. and this was 4 years ago. [...]
  • Diana: Suntem in 2017 si se pare ca BTC inca se dezvolta. [...]
  • Flaviu Butean: Si eu folosesc 1Passoword, pe care il recomand mereu, cred ca este de un real folos. Nu stiu daca m [...]
Radu Georgescu