
In: Books / 2 comments

8 Apr 2013

From the series “interesting things I’ve read lately”:

Howard Schultz: Pour Your Heart Into It – The romanticized history of the huge success that is today Starbucks. The writing is alert, which makes it easy to read, with all the lessons organized in chapters, going all the way from startup to a big company. I’ll highlight two of these lessons (because I think they fit well in our context):

  • Corporate experience before founding a start up helps a lot. Unlike the famous dropouts Jobs, Gates, Ellison, that I consider exceptions, young Howard tells us about how important school, experience in a good company (Xerox) and the best sales courses were for him.
  • The need to deliver 110% of what you promised – the company to its clients, the management to its employees, but also the employees to the company – which can be achieved only by pouring a lot of heart into everything. Hence – the title.

Fiction, History and Business:
Ken Follett: The Century Trilogy – Three books about the 20th century (Fall of Giants=The First World War, Winter of the World=The Second World War, Edge of Eternity=will be released in 2014). The young man takes a few families (English, Americans, Germans, Russians) and walks them through the entire horror century. Ken, as always, has the great quality of looking at the same story from the point of view of every character, which makes you understand the stories much better. There are no good and bad characters; you just understand the reasons each character has and the constraints affecting them. These are books with a lot of history and politics in them and they are exceptionally well written. If you want to understand what happened in the past and what’s happening now in the world without reading a boring history book – this is the solution. The business element appears in the context of globalization and there are some interesting pages dedicated to it.

Jeffrey Archer: Kane and Abel Series – Three books about American politics and business. (Kane and Abel, The Prodigal Daughter, Shall We Tell The President?). The first book is very good, the second one is good and third one is weak – but the three of them make good sense together.

Fiction and history:
Ken follett: Pillars of the Earth si World Without End – England in 1100 and 1300, the middle class of English society. We always read about the kings in those times, but we rarely read good books about the others. Pillars of the Earth is supposed to be Ken Follett’s best book. I’ve also seen these two books on

(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version


Din filmul “ce chestii interesante am mai citit in ultima vreme”:

Howard Schultz: Pour Your Heart Into It – Istoria un pic romantata a imensului succes care este astazi Starbucks. Alert scrisa si usor de citit, cu invatamintele puse pe capitole, de la start-up la firma mare. Scot doua in evidenta (caci cred ca se potrivesc bine la noi):

  • Ajuta mult experienta ‘corporate’ inainte de a face un startup. Spre deosebire de celebrii “dropouts” Jobs, Gates, Ellison, pe care eu ii consider exceptii, tanarul Howard ne povesteste cat de importante au fost scoala, experienta intr-o firma buna (Xerox), cursurile cele mai bune de vanzari.
  • Nevoia de a livra 110% din ce ai promis – compania catre clienti, managementul catre angajati, dar si angajatii catre companie – ceea ce se poate realiza doar cu multa multa inima din partea tuturor. De unde si titlul.

Beletristica, Istorie si Business:
Ken Follett: The Century Trilogy – Trei carti despre secolul 20 (Fall of Giants=Primul razboi mondial, Winter of the World=Al doilea razboi mondial, Edge of Eternity=se va lansa in 2014). Tanarul ia cateva familii (englezi, americani, germani, rusi) si le trece prin tot secolul spaima. Ken, ca intotdeauna, are marea calitate ca priveste aceeasi intamplare din punctul de vedere al fiecarui personaj, ceea ce te face sa intelegi mult mai bine intamplarile. Nu exista personaje bune si rele, ci doar intelegi cam care sunt motivele si constrangerile fiecaruia. Carti cu multa istorie, politica, exceptional scrise. Daca vrei sa intelegi ce s-a intamplat si ce se intampla in lume fara sa citesti un tratat plicticos de istorie – asta este solutia. Businessul apare in contextul globalizarii si are fragmente interesante.

Jeffrey Archer: Kane and Abel Series – Trei carti despre businessul american. Si politica americana. (Kane and Abel, The Prodigal Daughter, Shall We Tell The President?). Prima este foarte buna, a doua buna, a treia slaba – dar au noima toate trei.

Beletristica si Istorie:
Ken follett: Pillars of the Earth si World Without End – Anglia 1100 si 1300, clasa medie a societatii. Citim mereu despre regii din timpul acela, dar foarte rar carti bune despre ceilalti. Pillars of the Earth se presupune a fi cea mai buna carte a lui Ken Follett. Astea doua le-am vazut si pe



Sorin Şarba

April 8th, 2013 at 2:42 pm

Howard Schultz: Pour Your Heart Into It, o carte intr-adevar execeptionala, pe care ar trebui sa o citeasca orice antreprenor roman, pentru a intelege, printre alte aspecte importante, cat de importante sunt valorile pe care Seful le transmite firmei, copilul sau, pentru ca aceasta sa stie cum sa reactioneze corect si in lipsa “tatalui”.

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April 8th, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Jeffrey Archer am citit si eu 😀 scrie foarte explicit !

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