In: Entrepreneurship / 9 comments

27 Sep 2012

As I was saying in other posts, I think this industry of ours (IT, Internet, Software, Cloud, eCommerce – you name it) is one of the few that can help us improve our lives in Romania. It is an industry with great advantages, a clean industry, an international industry. It is an industry in which we (Romanians) know how to do a good job. In order to succeed in developing this industry as much as we can, I was saying here (my opinion), that a few things are necessary: opening the borders for smart people, remodeling some universities, local investment, the stock market, the desire of the authorities, entrepreneurs maturing, an association. Things have started to look better with the association – ANIS, and ever since Andrei Pitis became president it came back to life and it’s beginning to do things (congratulations, Andrei!).The authorities are not my area of expertise, and so I let others deal with this issue. What I do is I try to help with the other aspects mentioned: education (see the Journal of an Entrepreneur in High Schools project), bringing entrepreneurship to maturity (see Venture Connect), encouraging local investors (

So, since we’re here, let’s talk about it: Bogdan Iordache (you know him from HowToWeb) has started a very interesting project and I’m honored to help him with it. The idea began from the following syllogisms:

  • Startups need financing;
  • The first money / efforts can be made from their own reserves;
  • Over 200,000 Euros can be found relatively easily from investors that are more or less institutional (investment funds), in general not Romanian money;
  • Small amounts, between 5,000 and 200,000 Euros are very hard to find;
  • The natural solution is a community of “Angel Investors” to invest their personal money, either individually or in syndicated groups.

Different angle:

  • Now startups are finding investors with non-Romanian money (most of these startups go abroad, to accelerators and incubators). As they grow, the shareholder structure will be increasingly made up of foreigners. So the profits will exit Romania;
  • It’ll be much better for all of us if some of the internationally successful Romanian companies maintain a Romanian portion of their “equity”, money that can return in the system via subsequent investment in our industry;
  • The solution thus is a community of “Angel Investors”.

Another perspective:

  • (Thankfully) there are still many people with money in Romania. Either people with millions, or people who have a hundred thousand saved from their corporate jobs;
  • They undoubtedly want to invest this money. The most obvious investments are in land or in companies that do something tangible (services – hotels, restaurants…);
  • There are less obvious investments – like ours, in IT – which can bring much larger and nicer profits;
  • The only problem I’ve seen is the difficulty in evaluating this kind of startup, as well as the obvious desire of such an investor to co-invest with someone who has done this before, in order for the former to be able to learn;
  • The solution – again – is a community of “Angel Investors”.

Altogether, this is what does: it helps people with money invest in IT startups (software, internet, cloud, ecommerce…). It helps startups find the right money. It creates a community of Angel Investors that will ultimately help develop the industry. Are you in?

(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version

Cum spuneam si prin alte posturi, cred ca industria asta a noastra (IT, Internet, Software, Cloud, eCommerce – cum vreti sa-i spuneti) este unul din putinele lucruri care ne pot ajuta sa traim mai bine in Romania. Este o industrie cu avantaje foarte mari, o industrie curata, o industrie internationala. Este o industrie in care noi (romanii) stim sa facem treaba buna. Pentru a reusi sa crestem industria asta cat mai mult, ziceam aici (parerea mea) ca sunt necesare cateva lucruri: deschiderea granitelor catre oameni destepti, remodelarea unor facultati, investitia locala, bursa, dorinta autoritatilor, maturizarea antreprenorilor, asociatia. Daca cu asociatia incepem sa stam mai bine – ANIS, de cand este Andrei Pitis presedinte a reinviat si incepe sa faca lucruri (felicitari Andrei!), daca cu autoritatile nu ma pricep si deci ii las pe altii, eu incerc sa ajut la celelalte: educatie (vezi proiectul “Jurnal de antreprenor in licee”), maturizarea antreprenoriatului (vezi Venture Connect), incurajarea investitorilor locali (

Deci, daca tot am ajuns aici, sa povestim: a dat Bogdan Iordache (il stiti de la HowToWeb) drumu’ la un proiect foarte interesant, la care sunt onorat sa ajut. Ideea porneste de la urmatoarele silogisme:

  • Startupurile au nevoie de finantare;
  • Primii bani / eforturi pot fi facute din rezerve proprii;
  • Peste 200,000 Euro pot fi gasiti relativ usor pe la investitori mai mult sau mai putin institutionali (fonduri de investitii), in general nu bani romanesti;
  • Sume mici, intre 5,000 si 200,000 Euro sunt foarte greu de gasit;
  • Rezolvarea naturala este o comunitate de “Angel Investors”, care sa investeasca din banii lor personali. Fie individual fie in grup, sindicalizat.

Din alta directie:

  • Acum startupurile gasesc investitori cu bani non-romanesti (majoritatea se duc “afara” in acceleratoare si incubatoare). Pe masura ce ele vor creste, actionariatul va fi din ce in ce mai non-romanesc. Si profiturile deci vor iesi afara din Romania;
  • Ne va fi mult mai bine tuturor daca unele din companiile romanesti cu succes international vor avea o portiune de “equity” romaneasca. Bani care sa se intoarca in sistem, prin investitii ulterioare tot in industria noastra;
  • Rezolvarea deci este o comunitate de “Angel Investors”.

Alta perspectiva:

  • Exista (din fericire) multi oameni cu bani in Romania. Fie cu milioane, fie oameni care au o suta de mii pusi deoparte din jobul la corporatie;
  • Ei isi doresc fara indoiala sa investeasca banii acestia. Investitiile cele mai evidente sunt terenurile sau firmele care fac ceva tangibil (servicii – hoteluri, restaurant…);
  • Exista investitii mai putin evidente – cele ale noastre, in IT – care pot insa aduce profituri mult mai mari si mai simpatice;
  • Singura problema pe care am vazut-o eu este greutatea evaluarii unui astfel de startup, precum si dorinta evidenta a unui astfel de investitor sa coinvesteasca impreuna cu cineva care a mai facut asta odata, ca sa invete;
  • Rezolvarea – din nou – este o comunitate de “Angel Investors”.

Una peste alta asta face Ajuta oamenii cu bani sa investeasca in startupuri IT (software, internet, cloud, ecommerce…). Ajuta startupurile sa gaseasca banii potriviti. Creeaza o comunitate de Angel Investors care pana la urma va ajuta la cresterea industriei. Va bagati?



alex Negru

September 27th, 2012 at 11:49 pm

crowdsourcing pt startups romanesti.
solutia ideala pentru cele expuse in articol.
va fi locul in care voi trimite curand un business plan.

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September 28th, 2012 at 8:33 am

Frumos … felicitari!

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Andrei Potorac

September 28th, 2012 at 12:39 pm

Suna bine, sigur vom participa cu unul dintre proiectele noastre: Blogvio, Fodeli, ori Competon. 🙂

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October 1st, 2012 at 7:33 pm

Consider ca este atat necesar cat si util ca in Romania sa fie incurajat si sustinut sentimentul de antreprenoriat. Mai mult decat atat ar fi ideal sa existe in cadrul facultatilor, module/programe care sa-i invete pe viitori antreprenori cum sa-si expuna ideea, cum sa atraga fonduri si mai ales de unde si in ce conditii. Lucrurile astea pot asigura un viitor sau macar un inceput de viitor frumos al antreprenoriatului romanesc din domeniul IT&C si Web.
Techangles sper a fi un inceput, un pioner demn de calea ce o deschide, sa fie un arbitru si nu un jucator cu tente monopoliste.

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