Steve Jobs died

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6 Oct 2011

It is not a surprise and I don’t want to comment anything. But I think this is a good moment for all those who’ve seen this famous speech many times and for those who’ve only heard of it to see (again) what the greatest legacy we have from Steve is. The speech he held in 2005, at the end of the year, at Stanford:

(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version

Steve Jobs a murit

Nu este o surpriza si nu vreau sa comentam nimic. Dar cred ca este un bun moment ca, atat toti cei care au vazut de nenumarate ori acest speach vestit, cat si cei care doar au auzit de el, sa se uite (inca o data) la ceea ce este cea mai mare mostenire pe care o avem de la Steve. Discursul pe care l-a tinut in 2005, la finalul anului, la Stanford:

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Radu Georgescu