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I was reading the other day on arenabiz a list of Romanian web projects that became international. I found there with great pleasure successful projects I knew nothing about. And I promised to start a similar list of Romanian software products that are sold internationally.
The conditions are simple: software in English, website in English.
For my own list, I also took into consideration criteria such as the possibility to buy the product online (through avangate or others), the existence of a demo version, the professionalism of the website, the disclosure of the Romanian origins. I also included the city where I knew about it… it’s interesting to see.
Oras | Website | Descriere produs | ||
1 | Bucharest | www.nextreports.ro | Reporting tool | |
2 | Tg. Mures | www.amplusnet.com | Utilities | |
3 | Craiova | www.fanuriotimetracking.com | Time tracking | |
4 | Bucharest | www.bitdefender.com | Security/Antivirus | |
5 | Craiova | www.caphyon.com | Utilities | |
6 | Cluj | www.cososys.com | Security | |
7 | Bucharest | www.emailaddressmanager.com | Email productivity | |
8 | Bucharest | www.extendstudio.com | CSS Pannels | |
9 | Bucharest | www.axigen.com | Messaging Server | |
10 | www.microvpn.com | Hide IP Tool | ||
11 | Cluj | www.crmweb.biz | CRM | |
12 | Oradea | www.neobytesolutions.com | Utilities | |
13 | Bucharest | www.raworkshop.com | CAD | |
14 | www.qiplus.com | Feng-Shui stuff | ||
15 | Craiova | www.rationalplan.com | Project Management Tools | |
16 | Constanta | www.rsjoomla.com | Joomla Form Genarators | |
17 | www.seo-dss.com | Directory Site Submiter | ||
18 | Bucharest | www.softemix.com | Utilities | |
19 | Cluj | www.backup4all.com | Utilities | |
20 | Cluj | www.novapdf.com | PDF Creator | |
21 | Craiova | www.onlinebookingmanager.com | Hotel booking software | |
22 | Craiova | www.syncrosvnclient.com | Document/Code sharing | |
23 | Craiova | www.oxygenxml.com | XML editor |
Later edit:
Oras | Website | Descriere produs | ||
24 | Timisoara | www.suplugins.com | 3D Render for Google SketchUp | |
25 | Oradea | www.east-tec.com | Privacy and Security | |
26 | Bucharest | www.deskperience.com | Text/Web Stuff | |
27 | Braila | www.xylio.com | DJ Mixer | |
28 | Bucharest | www.teamness.com | Hosted Project Management – SaaS | |
29 | Bucharest | www.innovative-sol.com | Utilities for Vista & XP | |
30 | Bucharest | www.avchat.net | VideoChat Software | |
31 | Oradea | www.paymo.biz | Hosted TimeTracking – SaaS | |
32 | Oradea | www.snacktools.com | Web Banners, Photos | |
33 | Ploiesti | www.myeasyshell.com | User friendly shell, alpha | |
34 | Iasi | www.nkprods.com | Utilities | |
35 | Bucharest | www.totalsoft.ro | ERP, CRM | |
36 | Bucharest | www.mystaffsoftware.com | HR | |
37 | Bucharest | www.flairbuilder.com | Wireframes, Mockups, Prototypes | |
38 | Bucharest | www.flabell.com | Flash components | |
39 | Timisoara | www.exswap.com | Mind Mapping | |
40 | Bucharest | www.648apps.com | Mobile apps | |
41 | Iasi | www.oxylus-development.com | Newsletter management, CRM | |
42 | Bucharest | www.4psa.com | Server Software | |
43 | Bucharest | www.taskwriter.com | Hosted Productivity Solution – SaaS | |
44 | Bucharest | www.livigent.com | Content Filtering | |
45 | Bucharest | www.wireframesketcher.com | Wireframes, Prototyping |
Sunt convins ca am ratat multe. Daca mai stiti, bagati 🙂
(English version by Teodora Popescu)
Original Romanian version
Software Romanesc
Citeam zilele trecute pe arenabiz o lista de proiecte web romanesti, devenite internationale. Am gasit acolo cu mare placere proiecte de succes de care habar n’aveam. Si promiteam sa pornesc o lista similara de produse software romanesti, vandute international.
Conditiile sunt simple: Software in engleza, site in engleza.
Asa, pentru mine, am apreciat si posibilitatea de a cumpara online (prin avangate sau altii), existenta unei versiuni demo, profesionalismul sitului, divulgarea apartenentei romanesti. Am pus si orasul acolo unde am stiut… interesant de vazut.
Oras | Website | Descriere produs | ||
1 | Bucuresti | www.nextreports.ro | Reporting tool | |
2 | Tg. Mures | www.amplusnet.com | Utilities | |
3 | Craiova | www.fanuriotimetracking.com | Time tracking | |
4 | Bucuresti | www.bitdefender.com | Security/Antivirus | |
5 | Craiova | www.caphyon.com | Utilities | |
6 | Cluj | www.cososys.com | Security | |
7 | Bucuresti | www.emailaddressmanager.com | Email productivity | |
8 | Bucuresti | www.extendstudio.com | CSS Pannels | |
9 | Bucuresti | www.axigen.com | Messaging Server | |
10 | www.microvpn.com | Hide IP Tool | ||
11 | Cluj | www.crmweb.biz | CRM | |
12 | Oradea | www.neobytesolutions.com | Utilities | |
13 | Bucuresti | www.raworkshop.com | CAD | |
14 | www.qiplus.com | Feng-Shui stuff | ||
15 | Craiova | www.rationalplan.com | Project Management Tools | |
16 | Constanta | www.rsjoomla.com | Joomla Form Genarators | |
17 | www.seo-dss.com | Directory Site Submiter | ||
18 | Bucuresti | www.softemix.com | Utilities | |
19 | Cluj | www.backup4all.com | Utilities | |
20 | Cluj | www.novapdf.com | PDF Creator | |
21 | Craiova | www.onlinebookingmanager.com | Hotel booking software | |
22 | Craiova | www.syncrosvnclient.com | Document/Code sharing | |
23 | Craiova | www.oxygenxml.com | XML editor |
Later edit:
Oras | Website | Descriere produs | ||
24 | Timisoara | www.suplugins.com | 3D Render for Google SketchUp | |
25 | Oradea | www.east-tec.com | Privacy and Security | |
26 | Bucuresti | www.deskperience.com | Text/Web Stuff | |
27 | Braila | www.xylio.com | DJ Mixer | |
28 | Bucuresti | www.teamness.com | Hosted Project Management – SaaS | |
29 | Bucuresti | www.innovative-sol.com | Utilities for Vista & XP | |
30 | Bucuresti | www.avchat.net | VideoChat Software | |
31 | Oradea | www.paymo.biz | Hosted TimeTracking – SaaS | |
32 | Oradea | www.snacktools.com | Web Banners, Photos | |
33 | Ploiesti | www.myeasyshell.com | User friendly shell, alpha | |
34 | Iasi | www.nkprods.com | Utilities | |
35 | Bucuresti | www.totalsoft.ro | ERP, CRM | |
36 | Bucuresti | www.mystaffsoftware.com | HR | |
37 | Bucuresti | www.flairbuilder.com | Wireframes, Mockups, Prototypes | |
38 | Bucuresti | www.flabell.com | Flash components | |
39 | Timisoara | www.exswap.com | Mind Mapping | |
40 | Bucuresti | www.648apps.com | Mobile apps | |
41 | Iasi | www.oxylus-development.com | Newsletter management, CRM | |
42 | Bucuresti | www.4psa.com | Server Software | |
43 | Bucuresti | www.taskwriter.com | Hosted Productivity Solution – SaaS | |
44 | Bucuresti | www.livigent.com | Content Filtering | |
45 | Bucuresti | www.wireframesketcher.com | Wireframes, Prototyping |
Sunt convins ca am ratat multe. Daca mai stiti, bagati 🙂
Despre online in blogosfera, saptamana 14-20 septembrie | re:Fresh
September 21st, 2009 at 9:03 am
[…] fiindca tot suntem la capitolul „mandrie nationala”, gasesti la Radu Georgescu10 o lista cu siteurile produselor software romanesti vandute international localizate dupa […]
What I learned at Wordcamp Romania, Codecs, 2009.09.16-17? « Get a result now!
September 27th, 2009 at 1:36 pm
[…] examples of successful companies which are frequently provided: BitDefender, Softpedia, GeCad; but the list is much longer; – online advertising in Romania? It had a premature death, perhaps it even […]
Bytz@ (bytz) 's status on Sunday, 04-Oct-09 23:08:57 UTC - Identi.ca
[…] Software Romanesc | Radu Georgescu http://www.radugeorgescu.ro/2009/09/07/software-romanesc/ […]
Despre antreprenoriat, cu Radu Georgescu - Arena Biz
[…] url_site="http://www.arenabiz.ro/despre-antreprenoriat-cu-radu-georgescu/"; L-am mai intalnit pe Radu Georgescu si cu alte ocazii, inclusiv la Scoala de afaceri ePayment. Azi, la Open Coffee, a fost insa prima […]
În software, se poate | Business Cover
[…] de numele mari deja cunoscute, Radu Georgescu, preşedfintele GECAD Grup ţine pe blogul său o listă updatată cu companii româneşti de profil care se bucură de o astfel de […]
November 29th, 2009 at 9:36 am
[…] că avem puţine proiecte mari de succes la nivel internaţional; Radu Georgescu a prezentat o listă impresionantă de proiecte de succes în software; Din păcate, nu toate sunt cunoscute; Şi, logic, dacă nu […]
Lista producatori romani - Romanian Car
[…] Companii software românești […]
September 7th, 2009 at 4:29 pm
Caphyon nui din Craiova?
September 7th, 2009 at 4:39 pm
Ba da, am completat, thx. Nu au nici o mentiune pe site… 🙁
September 8th, 2009 at 12:02 am
Hehe, nu ai scuza pt ca vand prin Avangate! 🙂
Cred ca poti adauga si AVChat Software bucuresti,avchat.net , Flash Video Related Software!
September 7th, 2009 at 4:38 pm
Salut Radu,
Contribuim si noi cu cateva produse/companii romanesti despre care am scris pe FocusIT.ro:
– East Technologies – http://www.east-tec.com
– Deskperience – http://www.deskperience.com
– Xylio – http://www.xylio.com
Credem ca Romania poate fi privita mai mult decat o destinatie pentru outsourcing. De aceea scriem despre produsele si startup-urile romanesti din IT. Majoritatea companiilor din lista ta sunt si in evidenta noastra, iar despre multe dintre ele chiar am scris deja.
Suntem in permanenta cautare de produse romanesti destinate pietei internationale si vrem sa le promovam in speranta ca vom inspira si alti oameni sa produca mai mult software si produse online romanesti si sa faca mai putin outsourcing.
Numai bine,
Echipa FocusIT
Valerica Dragomir
September 7th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
Amplusnet (nr. 2) e din Tg. Mures.
September 7th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Timisoara, http://www.suplugins.com, 3D Render for Google SketchUp
September 7th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
Fanurio este din Craiova
Paul Marculescu
September 7th, 2009 at 5:12 pm
sau dacă preferi, http://www.teamness.ro
Site, help şi suport şi-n engleză şi-n română. O mică mândrie personală este că textele sunt şi în română nu romana, cum am vazut pe la mulţi alţii, unii mari.
Locaţie firma: Bucureşti
Locaţie muncitori: Stockholm
September 7th, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Fanurio (nr 3) e din Craiova.
Cristian Dorobantescu
September 7th, 2009 at 5:41 pm
Multumim de mentionare!
Echipa Extend Studio
September 7th, 2009 at 5:44 pm
L-am incercat si mi-a placut. O curiozitate: cei care lucreaza la proiect sunt suedezi?
September 7th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
Bucuresti, http://www.innovative-sol.com/
September 7th, 2009 at 6:04 pm
Multumesc pentru mentionare & link 🙂
September 7th, 2009 at 6:16 pm
Apropo, ca tot a venit vorba, chiar daca poate suna a reclama: pot sa zic ca am incercat multe (merchant account independent de solutiile axate ptr software publisheri, regnow, regsoft, softwrap, plimus, etc) – cam tot ce se poate mai putin google checkout din motive de “not available for your country”… 100% recomand Avangate.
September 7th, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Bogdan, multam 😉
Adrian Florea
September 7th, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Oras: Galati
Website: http://www.travelpeople.it/
Descriere produs: site de commercial network adresat agentilor si operatorilor de turism italieni
September 7th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
Adrian, situl se potriveste mai bine pe postul de la arenabiz…. aici incerc “software”, “engleza”. Multam mult pentru sugestie, o forwardez eu acolo.
Adrian Florea
September 8th, 2009 at 8:01 am
Ai dreptate, multumesc.
September 7th, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Paymo Time Tracking & Invoicing – Oradea 🙂
Vasilica Bob
September 8th, 2009 at 11:24 am
Oras: Oradea
Website: http://www.snacktools.com/
Produse: BannerSnack, PhotoSnack
Bogdan Stroe
September 9th, 2009 at 12:04 am
Website: http://www.myeasyshell.com
Descriere: User-Friendly shell
September 9th, 2009 at 9:59 am
Oras: Iasi
Website: http://www.nkprods.com
Descriere: Utilities
September 9th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
Buna Radu,
Vad ca tot creste si lista ta 🙂
Mai fac si eu cateva completari:
OXYLUS Development (IASI) http://www.oxylus-development.com – Newsletter Management, CRM
648 Group (Bucuresti + Iasi) http://www.648apps.com/ – mobile apps
Expert Software Applications (Timisoara) http://www.exswap.com/ – Mind mapping
Vuzum Media (Bucuresti) http://www.flabell.com – Flash components
Flair Builder (Bucuresti) http://www.flairbuilder.com/ – Wireframes
September 9th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
Rack-Soft (Bucuresti) http://www.4psa.com – Server Software
September 11th, 2009 at 12:05 pm
Bucuresti – TaskWriter.com – Hosted Productivity Solution – SaaS
Adrian Andreias
September 19th, 2009 at 1:36 pm
Dar servicii romanesti vandute international? 🙂
^ hint 😛
September 21st, 2009 at 11:16 am
September 21st, 2009 at 5:34 pm
Alina, nu gasesc de loc un punct in situl vostru unde se poate comanda cumva vre-un produs….. nici cat costa sau orice indicatie cum ca produsul e un produs actually care se poate cumpara cumva…. poti sa ma directionezi te rog?
September 21st, 2009 at 11:54 am
@Radu: RnD Software cu produsul Livigent – http://www.livigent.com – se vinde in Romania si SUA (deocamdata), toata dezvoltarea se face in Romania.
Peter Severin
September 22nd, 2009 at 12:11 am
Bucuresti, WireframeSketcher, http://wireframesketcher.com – Wireframes, Prototyping.
September 26th, 2009 at 11:44 am
Directory Site Submiter este din Buzau
Multzam pentru listare 🙂
October 28th, 2009 at 12:38 pm
Neata Radu.
hermix-ul ti-a placut ? indeplineste si conditiile impuse 🙂
Marius Mailat
November 18th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Medias – http://www.idsecuritysuite.com – 26 aplicatii securitate
Medias – http://www.submitsuite.ro – 6 aplicatii SEO
si la mai mult
Tiberiu Ghioca
December 14th, 2009 at 5:28 pm
MOOS Project Viewer este un produs romanesc de vizualizare a fisierelor produse de Microsoft Project:
De asemeanea Efigio Organizer este o aplicatie pentru organizarea timpului si a muncii:
December 30th, 2009 at 5:34 pm
JumpeyeComponents.com, componente si aplicatii Flash, SnackTools (suita de aplicatii web 2.0, mentionat mai sus), peste 250,000 de clienti worldwide in Dec 2009. Development 100% romanesc in Oradea, cea mai tare echipa de programatori ActionScript din tara!
Adrian Vintu
January 16th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
Oradea, http://dex.adrianvintu.com