Interview: Daniel Nicolescu

In: Interviews / 6 comments

23 Jul 2009

There are many people around me who have lived or are living interesting and/or relevant experiences for the entrepreneurial topic of this blog. Without being a professional in taking interviews (so be merciful, please 🙂 ), I thought that an open discussion with them might help. I’ll start therefore with an interview with Daniel Nicolescu, a young man Avangate temporarily exported to Silicon Valley in order to strengthen the office Avangate had already opened there. We have known each other for almost 8 years; we have worked together at RAV, then at ePayment, then at Avangate. Now he is Business Development Manager and co-Founder at Avangate.

1. Daniel, let’s start with the beginning: when and why did you go to the States?

My assignment to the US came last year (2008) in August. The decision was taken at the level of the Avangate board a few months before the question of consolidating Avangate’s position on the American market arose. The decision was taken considering both my professional experience and, especially, the fact that I am part of the team that designed and developed the Avangate idea.

The missions I was entrusted with were to organize the operations of the US office, to achieve that so-called company culture deployment without which you cannot establish a healthy international business and ensure an efficient communication channel between Bucharest and the US (a task that proved to be very important later on and extremely difficult at the same time). (Radu: Avangate has had a presence in the States since 2007, but not in this formula / current location).

2. Yes, I remember all the situations we have seen last year, when one of the main problems in making the US office profitable was the communication between RO and US, both from the point of view of Time-Zone difference, and especially from the point of view of cultural and corporate differences. Did your moving there help?

Absolutely! First of all, I had to understand the way Americans work, what their expectations are and, most of all, what motivates them. Then we had to implement communication procedures; we needed more than 3-4 months until we managed to reach that point in which the parties gained trust in each other; you see, one thing is working side by side with an office colleague (the same location) and a completely different thing is to work with teams that are thousands of kilometers away, in different time-zones and, especially, in different cultures; if, in order to meet a deadline, in Bucharest I only made a few visits to the development team, when working with remote teams, the element of responsibility that ensures the smooth running of things must be implemented.

3. I remember how the problems they had in the US were seen from RO: we were saying they can’t manage to talk to the colleagues in the company, they were saying that they didn’t receive answers in a timely manner from RO and that people here had other priorities than their priorities. How do you see things now, from there?

You are right, I had many frustrations in the beginning: we would send an email on Monday, on Tuesday Bucharest didn’t answer, we would do a follow-up on Wednesday and Thursday we would possibly receive an answer with a request for additional information; the reasons for this poor communication aren’t important, the important thing is that we would waste an entire week for a relatively simple problem.

Things are no longer like this now. We have passed the stage in which we were working and thinking locally; once the company culture was assimilated and, especially, the development strategy, the teams were able to make decisions locally that respected and supported at the same time the company’s global vision.

4. Where? How did you choose the location?

Avangate offers complete electronic distribution services for software producers; consequently, the decision over the location was somewhat easy and natural to take, namely, Silicon Valley, and to be more exact – Mountain View. Here, on a radius of 30 miles, we breathe the same air as companies such as Google, Intuit, HP, Oracle, Intel, Microsoft, Sun etc.

5. What documents did you need and what legal formalities did you have to go through?

First of all, I needed a work visa. I used the services of the law firm we were already working with in the US for the preparation of the visa file (a few centimeters thick in the end). At the same time, “I resigned” from GECAD ePayment and I was hired by Avangate Inc. (the American company under which we operate here); I signed all the necessary documents to become “company officer” (title that gives me the possibility to perform banking transactions and sign official documents on behalf of Avangate Inc.).

After arriving to the US, I applied for a Social Security Number, driver’s license and bank accounts – everything took about a month. Driving school was the most fun and the social system was the most frustrating, which in the beginning I had the feeling was the opposite of what I thought it would be.

6. Hehe, a few funny details about driving school and about entering the social system?

When you are used to driving in Bucharest, it is actually hilarious to drive on American streets; at first I had the feeling that time was standing still

For the theoretical exam I had to learn a lot – there were 36 questions that weren’t easy at all (but that didn’t have the well known traps of Romanian tests). The practical exam was basically an afternoon walk on the streets; in the end, the instructor who was sitting on the right warned me that, when I changed direction, I also had to turn my head (it’s stipulated by law), not only to check the mirrors – I smiled when I remembered the intersections I went through when I was going to the office in Bucharest, such as Colentina with d-na Ghica or Lizeanu: if I turned my head to make sure the area was clear, I certainly would have had other cars in front of me than I had a few seconds before .

7. How did the mental preparation before trip go? Was it easy? Nice? Hard? Why?

Moving to the US meant for me both a change in working environment and a change in my professional career. For years, I was CTO for ePayment and Avangate, a technical position with business emphasis in defining products and supporting the sales team.

Going back to the question, I thing the experience the company already had on the American market helped me a lot. I already had the experience of a few big conferences, meetings, clients etc.

Also, the holiday I spent in the US right before travelling in August (purely coincidental – when I made the reservations, I had no idea I was going to move there) I think helped me a lot. Easy? Hard? Hmmm – the right word I think is “challenging”. I was very attracted by the idea of developing business directly in Silicon Valley, but at the same time, the responsibilities always made me nervous.

8. What did you have to prepare logistically before you left?

The trip was not easy to organise – you’ll laugh, but I had a project defined in MS Project especially for this. My tasks involved both maintaining my situation in Romania (bank accounts, supplier contracts, apartment, social security etc.) and preparing the social situation in the US (finding temporary housing, Internet and telephone services providers etc.).

I had a lot of work to do from the professional point of view. The responsibilities that I had in Bucharest, within the company, had to be handed over, documented and implemented – it wasn’t easy, but later on it turned out that the Bucharest team was very valuable and not only successfully took over the projects, but also brought vision and dynamics to everything that was developed.

9. What did you have to prepare during the first week? How long did it take you to have everything set there?

The first weeks meant fighting the system; a new system that is based on completely different rules and principles than the European one. The biggest problem was the lack of the so-called “credit history” – for Americans, I was a stranger. I managed with the help of some local partners to open a bank account and buy a mobile phone and, especially, to lease a car without which I couldn’t function.

10. Is it worth it for a software producer in Romania to have an office in the US? Why?

Oh, yes! YES! The presence of a local office in the US and especially in Silicon Valley means an exchange of experience and opportunities. Unlike other business cultures in the world, here there is a major interest in developing one’s network and partnerships. There are dozens of events you can attend daily and where you can meet specialists that have many years of experience in software (I was very impressed by the meetings I had with pros such as the product manager at eBay, or with the person responsible for user experience at LinkedIn etc.). Here any product develops like Prince Charming – it grows in one year as much as others grow in seven.

11. How do you start integrating into the “community”? Getting to know people etc… Any tools? Hints?

As I was saying before, there are many local events where you can integrate in the local business world. Websites such as, or (whose fan I know you are) show you daily calendars with events where you can invest in developing your network and business.

A successful strategy I have implemented here is developing partnerships with companies that offer services that are complementary to Avangate’s, partnerships that have opened opportunities that were otherwise very difficult to achieve directly. At this point, Avangate is a pretty well established brand in the American software business community, with powerful references and unique benefits.

To mention a few successful elements, I would say that, by far, these would be: the profitability the solution you represent on the market offers, as well as that wow factor you need to focus on to obtain from your clients, clients that will represent you in the market after that.

12. A professional experience that was out of the ordinary?

One of the most interesting professional experiences I have had was the intensive “Product Management” course organized by Stanford University; it was a 3 months course during which I studied how to build products that are loved by their users, how to prepare the products to answer market requirements and, especially, how to make them profitable. The most interesting part was the fact that all the students were product managers for companies such as Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo – it was a sort of focus group made up of all the “fathers”.

13. I remember the restaurant that writes the names of the important companies that started there on the walls…. How was the surprise made for Carmen (Avangate CEO)?

In order to strengthen the Avangate brand on the local market, I organized two networking events to which I invited many people in the industry. One of the locations chosen for the second event was right on Castro Street (in the heart of Silicon Valley, where we also have the office, in fact). The restaurant is very famous for organizing such events for software companies. The walls are filled with logos such as those of Microsoft, Oracle, HP etc. I am very proud I managed to negotiate the contract with the restaurant and add the Avangate logo next to all the others; Carmen and Laurentiu were my special guests and I kept everything a surprise for when they entered the room 🙂 There is no way you don’t feel great and proud when you see the logo for which you have been working day and night next to industry giants (See photos)

14. To conclude in a general information area: what are the costs of living there?

California and especially Silicon Valley isn’t cheap at all to live in. The airport in San Francisco is 15 minutes away – the taxi costs around $50-$60 plus tip (yes, in the US any service offered must be “rewarded” with a tip; if for a taxi you have to take out of your pocket an additional 10% of the bill, at restaurants it’s even more painful – the tip is 15% if the service is “so and so” and 20% if you receive special treatment – which is usually the case; and, yes, it’s a sort of social label here – if you don’t tip, you will be asked by the waiter what he did wrong; some restaurants automatically add 18% to the bill so that you don’t even have to bother to calculate).

Hotels generally cost around $200-$250 per night – most of them without breakfast, parking or Internet (so beware of additional costs). The first month we stayed in a “corporate” type apartment for which we paid $3,500. Rent is generally around $2,500 for an apartment with one or two bedrooms – unfurnished. The funny part is that the furniture can be rented, including the kitchen cutlery and utensils or bed linens (I used CORT – for this).

Parking in San Francisco is sometimes extremely expensive: $25-$30 in the “hot” areas of the city, reaching $40 if there are special events (concerts, festivals etc.) – I have these costs included in the business plan together with other expenses

Renting a car can be done before landing in San Francisco. The best solutions are with Avis or Budget. What I found out later on is that it’s much cheaper if you take a car from a less popular location and not from the airport or from the city center and, pay attention, picking up the car at 12 PM instead of 10 AM means the price can be several hundred dollars cheaper. The costs are somewhere around $350 per week with insurance.

Like other costs here: bread is about $4, a bottle of decent wine is around $15 (in restaurants the price starts at $30) and dinner for two is somewhere around $100 (tip included). In contrast, tennis courts are free for the city’s inhabitants and a gym subscription (full access) is only $50 per month.

Thanks a lot, Daniel! I hope we inspired many people to come and make business in Silicon Valley.
Good luck and see you safely home.

PS: A few details about how the relocation was seen from a personal point of view you can find here.


(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version

Interviu: Daniel Nicolescu

Sunt multi oameni in jurul meu care au trait sau traiesc experiente interesante si/sau relevante pentru subiectul antreprenorial al blogului. Fara sa fiu un profesionist al interviurilor (deci tratati-ma cu mila va rog 🙂 ), m-am gandit ca o discutie deschisa cu ei poate ajuta. Voi incepe deci cu un interviu cu Daniel Nicolescu, un tanar “exportat” de Avangate temporar in Silicon Valley pentru a pune pe picioare biroul pe care Avangate il deschisese deja acolo. Ne cunoastem de aproape 8 ani, am lucrat impreuna la RAV, apoi la ePayment, apoi la Avangate. Acum este Business Development Manager si co-Founder Avangate.

1. Daniel, sa incepem cu inceputul: cand si de ce ai plecat in US?
Detasarea mea in US s-a intimplat anul trecut (2008) in August. Decizia a fost luata in cadrul board-ului Avangate cu cateva luni inainte in momentul in care s-a pus problema consolidarii pozitiei Avangate pe piata americana. La luarea deciziei s-a tinut cont atat de experienta mea profesionala cat, mai ales, si de faptul ca fac parte din echipa care a conceput si dezvoltat ideea Avangate.

Misiunile cu care am fost insarcinat au fost sa organizez operatiunile biroului din US, sa realizez acel “company culture deployment” fara de care nu poti pune bazele unui business international sanatos si sa asigur un canal eficient de comunicatie intre Bucuresti si US (task care s-a dovedit deosebit de important ulterior si extrem de dificil in acelasi timp). (Radu: Avangate avea o prezenta in State inca din 2007, dar nu in formula/ locatia actuala).

2. Da, imi aduc aminte de toate situatiile avute in anul trecut, cand una din principalele probleme in a face biroul din US sa fie profitabil a fost comunicarea dintre Ro si US, atat ca diferenta de Time-Zone, cat mai ales din diferentele culturale si corporatiste. Mutarea ta acolo a ajutat?
Absolut! In primul rand a trebuit sa inteleg modul de lucru al americanilor, care sunt asteptarile lor si, mai ales, ce ii motiveaza. Apoi a trebuit sa implementam procedurile de comunicare; a fost nevoie de mai mult de 3-4 luni pana am reusit sa ajungem in acel punct in care partile au capatat incredere una in cealalta; vezi tu, una este sa lucrezi cot la cot cu un coleg de birou (in aceeasi locatie) si alta este sa lucrezi cu echipe aflate la mii de kilometri distanta, in time-zone-uri diferite si, mai ales, in culturi diferite; daca la Bucuresti pentru respectarea unui deadline puteam efectua cateva vizite la echipa de dezvoltare, in modul de lucru cu echipe aflate la distanta trebuie implementat elementul de responsabilitate care asigura bunul mers al lucrurilor.

3. Imi amintesc cum se vedeau din RO problemele celor din US: noi spuneam ca ei nu se descurca sa discute cu colegii in companie, ei spuneau ca din RO nu li se raspunde in timp util si ca lumea are alte prioritati aici decat prioritatile lor. Cum se vede acum, de acolo?
Ai dreptate, am avut parte de multe frustrari la inceput: se intimpla sa trimitem un email luni, marti la Bucuresti nu se raspundea, faceam un follow-up miercuri iar joi se raspundea eventual cu o cerere de informatii aditionale; nu conteaza cauzele acestei comunicari defectuoase, important e ca se pierdea o saptamana intreaga pentru o problema relativ simpla.

Lucrurile nu mai stau asa acum. Am trecut de etapa in care lucram si gindeam la nivel local; o data ce s-a asimilat cultura companiei si, mai ales, stategia de dezvoltare, echipele sunt in stare sa ia decizii pe plan local care sa respecte si sa sprijine in acelasi timp viziunea globala a companiei.

4. Unde? Cum ai ales locatia?
Avangate ofera servicii complete de distributie electronica pentru producatorii de software; in consecinta decizia asupra locatiei a fost oarecum usoara si totodata fireasca, respectiv in Silicon Valley, mai exact in Mountain View. Aici, intr-o raza de 30 de mile, respiram acelasi aer cu companii precum Google, Intuit, HP, Oracle, Intel, Microsoft, Sun etc.

5. De ce acte si formalitati legale ai avut nevoie?
In primul rand am avut nevoie de viza de lucru. Am apelat la serviciile casei de avocatura cu care lucram deja in US pentru intocmirea dosarului de viza (gros de cativa centimetri intr-un final). In acelasi timp “mi-am dat demisia” din GECAD ePayment si am fost angajat de Avangate Inc. (compania americana sub care desfasuram activitatea aici), am semnat toate actele necesare pentru a deveni “company officer” (titulatura ce imi da posibilitatea sa efectuez operatiuni bancare si sa semnez documente oficiale in numele Avangate Inc).

Dupa ce am ajuns in US am aplicat pentru Social Security Number, carnet de conducere si conturi bancare – totul a durat aproximativ o luna. Cel mai fun a fost scoala de soferi iar cel mai frustrant cred ca pe departe a fost sistemul social care la inceput aveam senzatia ca este exact pe dos fata de cel pe care il cunosteam eu.

6. Hehe, ceva detalii amuzante legate de scoala de soferi si penetrarea sistemului social?
Cand ai scoala condusului in Bucuresti este de-a dreptul hilar sa conduci pe strazile americane; la inceput am avut senzatia ca timpul sta in loc 🙂

Pentru examenul teoretic a trebut sa invat destul de serios – au fost 36 de intrebari, deloc usoare (dar fara acele capcane binecunoscute ale testelor din Romania). Examenul practic a fost insa un fel de plimbare de “duminica dupa-amiaza” pe stradute; la final instructoarea din dreapta m-a atentionat ca la schimbarea de directie trebuie sa intorc si capul (e stipulat si in lege) nu numai sa ma uit in oglinzi – atunci am avut un zambet cand mi-au venit in cap intersectiile pe care le strabateam dimineata spre birou in Bucuresti de genul Colentina cu d-na Ghica sau Lizeanu: daca intorceam capul sa ma asigur, in mod cert ma trezeam cu alte masini in fata decat cu cateva secunde inainte 🙂

7. Cum te-ai descurcat cu pregatirea psihica inainte? A fost usor? Placut? Greu? De ce?
Deplasarea in US a insemnat pentru mine atat o schimbare de mediu de lucru dar si de cariera profesionala. Ani de zile am avut rolul de CTO pentru ePayment si Avangate, un rol tehnic cu accente de business in definirea produselor si sprijinirea echipei de vanzari. O data cu deplasarea in US am adoptat o pozitie cu accente mult mai puternice de business development.

Revenind la intrebare, cred ca m-a ajutat foarte mult experienta pe care compania o avea deja pe piata americana. Aveam deja experienta catorva conferinte mari, intalniri, clienti etc.

De asemenea, concediul pe care l-am petrecut tot in US chiar inainte de deplasarea din august (pura intimplare – in momentul rezervarilor habar nu aveam ca am sa ma mut aici) cred ca m-a ajutat enorm. Am avut timp sa studiez putin sistemul si societatea si sa ma acomodez cu ideea.
Usor? Greu? Hm – cuvantul potrivit cred ca este “challenging”. M-a atras foarte tare ideea de a dezvolta business direct din Silicon Valley dar in acelasi timp responsabilitatile mi-au dat tot timpul emotii.

8. Ce ai avut de pregatit logistic iniante sa pleci?
Plecarea nu a fost usor de organizat – ai sa razi poate dar am avut un proiect definit in MS Project special pentru acest lucru. Task-urile mari au fost atat conservarea situatiei din Romania (conturile bancare, contractele cu furnizorii, apartamentul, asigurarile sociale etc) cat si pregatirea situatiei sociale din US (gasirea unei locuinte temporare, furnizori de Internet si telefonie etc).

Din punct de vedere profesional am avut insa cel mai mult de munca. Responsabilitatile pe care le aveam la Bucuresti in cadrul companiei au trebuit toate “predate”, documentate si implementate – nu a fost usor, insa ulterior s-a dovedit ca echipa de la Bucuresti este una de mare valoare care nu numai ca a preluat cu succes proiectele, dar care a adus un plus de viziune si dinamica in tot ce s-a dezvoltat.

9. Ce ai avut de pregatit in prima saptamana? Cat a durat pana a fost totul setat acolo?
Primele saptamani au insemnat lupta cu sistemul; un sistem nou care se bazeaza pe cu totul alte reguli si principii decat cel european. Cea mai mare problema a fost lipsa renumitului “credit history” – pentru americani eram un necunoscut. Am reusit cu ajutorul unor parteneri locali sa deschid un cont la banca, sa imi iau un telefon mobil si mai ales sa iau in leasing o masina fara de care nu puteam functiona.

10. Merita pentru o firma producatoare de software din Romania sa aiba un birou in US? De ce?
O, da! DA! Prezenta unui birou local in US si mai ales in Silicon Valley inseamna schimb de experienta si oportunitati. Spre deosebire de alte culturi de business din lume, aici exista un interes major in dezvoltarea de networking si parteneriate. Exista zeci de evenimente la care poti participa zilnic unde poti intalni specialisti cu zeci de ani de experienta in domeniul software (m-au marcat intalniri cu profesionisti precum product manager-ul de la eBay, responsabilul cu experienta utilizatorului in LinkedIn etc). Aici orice produs se dezvolta precum Fat-Frumos – intr-un an cati altii in sapte.

11. Cum incepi sa intri in „comunitate” ? Sa cunosti oameni, etc… Ceva instrumente? Hints?
Precum povesteam si mai inainte, exista foarte multe evenimente locale unde te poti integra cu lumea de business locala. Site-uri precum, sau (al carui fan stiu ca esti) iti prezinta calendare zilnice cu evenimente unde poti investi in dezvoltarea de networking si business.

O strategie de succes pe care am implementat-o aici este dezvoltarea de parteneriate cu companii care ofera servicii complementare cu Avangate, parteneriate care ne-au deschis oportunitati foarte greu de atins altfel in mod direct. In acest moment Avangate este un brand destul de bine infipt in comunitatea americana de software de business, cu referinte puternice si beneficii unice.

Ca si elemente de succes as zice ca de departe sunt profitabilitatea pe care o ofera solutia pe care o reprezinti in piata cat si acel “wow” pe care trebuie sa te focalizezi sa il obtii de la clientii tai, clienti care te vor reprezenta mai departe in piata.

12. O experienta profesionala mai iesita din comun?
Una dintre cele mai interesante experiente profesionale a fost cursul intensiv de “Product Management” organizat de Universitatea Stanford; au fost 3 luni in care am studiat cum sa construiesti produse care sa fie iubite de utilizatorii lor, cum sa pregatesti produsele pentru a raspunde cerintelor pietii si, mai ales, cum sa le faci profitabile. Partea cea mai interesanta a fost faptul ca toti cursantii erau product manageri de la companii precum Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo – a fost un fel de focus grup format din “tatici”.

13. Mi-aduc aminte de restaurantul care scrie numele companiilor importante care au inceput acolo pe ziduri…. Cum a fost surpriza facuta lui Carmen (CEO Avangate)?
Tot pentru a intari brand-ul Avangate pe piata locala, am organizat doua evenimente de networking la care am invitat numerosi oameni din industrie. Una din locatiile alese pentru al doilea eveniment se afla chiar pe Castro Street (in inima lui Silicon Valley, unde avem si noi biroul de altfel). Restaurantul este foarte renumit in organizarea de evenimente de acest gen pentru companiile software in speta. Peretii sunt plini de sigle precum Microsoft, Oracle, HP etc. Sunt tare mindru ca am reusit la negocierea contractului cu restaurantul sa adaug si logo-ul Avangate alaturi de toate celelalte; ca invitati speciali i-am avut atunci pe Carmen si Laurentiu carora le-am pastrat surpriza pana in momentul in care au intrat in sala 🙂 Nu are cum sa nu creasca inima in tine cand vezi logo-ul pentru care muncesti zi si noapte alaturi de giganti ai industriei. (Vezi poze)

14. Ca sa incheiem intr-o zona de informatie generala: cam care sunt costurile vietii zi de zi acolo?
California, si mai ales Silicon Valley, nu sunt deloc zone ieftine de trait. Aeroportul din San Francisco se afla la 15 minute de oras – taxiul costa in jur de $50-$60 plus tip (da, in US orice serviciu oferit trebuie “rasplatit” cu tip; daca pentru un taxi trebuie sa scoti din buzunar inca 10% peste totalul facturii, la restaurante treaba este mult mai dureroasa – tip-ul este de 15% in cazul in care totul a fost “asa si asa” si 20% in cazul in care ai fost tratat special – cum se si intimpla de obicei; si da, este o eticheta a societatii – daca nu lasi bacsis, vei fi intrebat de chelner ce anume a facut rau; unele restaurante adauga automat 18% pe nota ca sa nu te mai chinui nici macar sa calculezi).

Hotelurile in general costa in jur de $200-$250 pe noapte – majoritatea fara mic dejun, parcare sau Internet (deci atentie la costurile aditionale). Noi am stat in prima luna intr-un apartament tip “corporate” pentru care am platit $3,500. Chiriile in general sint in zona de $2,500 pentru un apartament cu unul sau doua dormitoare – nemobilat. Partea funny este ca mobila se poate inchiria, inclusiv tacamurile de bucatarie sau lenjeriile de pat (eu am apelat la CORT –

Parcarile in San Francisco sunt uneori extrem de usturatoare: $25-$30 in zonele “fierbinti ale orasului, ajungand pana la $40 in cazul evenimentelor speciale (concerte, sarbatori, etc) – eu le am incluse in business plan alaturi de alte cheltuieli 🙂

Inchirierea unei masini se poate face inainte de aterizarea in San Francisco. Solutii bune sunt de la Avis sau Budget. Ce am descoperit ulterior este ca iesi mult mai ieftin daca iei masina dintr-o locatie mai putin populara si nu de la aeroport sau din centrul orasului si, atentie, daca o ridici la ora 12 PM in loc de 10 AM poti iesi mai ieftin cu cateva sute de dolari. Costul este undeva la $350 pe saptamana cu asigurare cu tot.

Ca si alte costuri aici: o paine costa cam $4, o sticla de vin acceptabil pleaca de la $15 (in restaurante pleaca de la $30), o cina in doi te scoate cam la $100 (cu tip cu tot). In schimb terenurile de tenis sunt gratuite pentru cetatenii orasului iar abonamentul la sala de fitness (acces full) este de doar $50 pe luna.

Daniel, multam mult. Sper sa dam idei cat mai multor tineri sa faca business in Sillicon Valley.
Bafta si sa ne vedem sanatosi inapoi.

PS: Ceva detalii despre cum s-a vazut relocarea din punct de vedere personal si aici.



George Barcun

July 23rd, 2009 at 11:56 am

O lectura buna, informatii utile. Felicitari Radu si Daniel. Vreau sa completez cu faptul ca si pentru Monica (sotia lui Daniel) este o experienta unica.

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Ionut Popa

July 23rd, 2009 at 12:23 pm

Interesant si informativ!

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July 23rd, 2009 at 12:59 pm

f tare

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andreea dinu

July 23rd, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Ma bucur ca vad un interviu cu Deedee :). Radu, ai avut o super initiativa!

Deedee poate ne scrii mai des 😛

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July 23rd, 2009 at 8:37 pm

foarte interesant articolul. E ca si cum prin intermediul acestuia, din fotoliu as vedea un tablou cu un tanar de succes din US. Felicitari.

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December 29th, 2009 at 7:24 pm

Huh .. Am ramas surprins cand am citit + ca ieri am vazut reportajul acela de la protv si am ramas placut surprins.Felicitari !

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  • Eduard: Excellent description on bitcoins, lol. and this was 4 years ago. [...]
  • Diana: Suntem in 2017 si se pare ca BTC inca se dezvolta. [...]
  • Flaviu Butean: Si eu folosesc 1Passoword, pe care il recomand mereu, cred ca este de un real folos. Nu stiu daca m [...]
Radu Georgescu