“Blueprint to a Billion” (2006)

In: Books / 6 comments

9 Jul 2009

An interestingly written book, by a guy (David G. Thomson) who manages to synthesize in only 7 core values all the “do’s” and “don’t’s” of companies that in a small number of years have gone from an idea worth a billion to a business worth a billion. Microsoft, Google, eBay, Starbucks are just a few examples of such successful companies.

David takes a group 387 elite companies (the methodology of the analysis is well exposed) and he studies what the companies who managed to get there had in common in order to reach sales worth a billion versus what the companies that could not manage that did. With some coherent explanations and interesting stories, he arrives at the following 7 essential values:

  • Uniqueness of the real benefit which is of great value for the client;
  • Exploiting a booming market segment;
  • Using “special” clients both for defining the products and for promoting them;
  • Using alliances with well-known brands;
  • Approaching a business model with exponential growth;
  • Dual top management team: Internally / externally oriented leadership;
  • Board of Directors consisting of experts in the field.

Reading the explanations and the examples we undoubtedly find platitudes (real benefit, unique offer…) that are really well-known (but that we don’t always apply – sic!), but also new and interesting ideas (the duality of the management team – with the already classic example of Steve Ballmer / Bill Gates). I think it is interesting to ponder a bit (I remember now the joke about the boss who isn’t sleeping, he is pondering) on the value added by the Board of Directors – highly used mechanism in the US which is completely ignored in Romania.
Mind you, funding isn’t part of the “essentials”… It is certainly useful, but it doesn’t make the difference.

All in all, we have 300 pages that are worth reading the moment you decide to set up a big company and even worth perusing from time to time after that… to see if your train is about to crash – and to put it back on the rails if it is. It’s an exercise in analyzing a business from high up (really high up 🙂 ).

(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version

“Blueprint to a Billion” (2006)

Interesant scrisa cartea, de catre un tanar (David G. Thomson) care reuseste sa sintetizeze in numai 7 valori esentiale toata statistica de „asa da” si „asa nu” a companiilor care intr-un numar mic de ani au ajuns de la o idee de un miliard la o afacere de un miliard. Microsoft, Google, eBay, Starbucks sunt doar cateva exemple de astfel de companii de succes.

David ia un grup de 387 de companii de elita (metodologia analizei este bine expusa), si studiaza ce au avut in comun companiile care au reusit sa ajunga la vanzari de un miliard versus ce au facut companiile care nu au reusit asta. Cu explicatii coerente si povesti interesante, ajunge la urmatoarele 7 valori esentiale:

  • Unicitatea unui beneficiu real, de mare valoare pentru client;
  • Exploatarea unui segment de piata in plina crestere;
  • Folosirea clientilor „speciali” atat pentru definirea produselor cat si pentru promovarea lor;
  • Utilizarea aliantelor cu branduri cunoscute;
  • Abordarea unui model de business cu crestere exponentiala;
  • Echipa de top-management duala: Leadership orientat intern/extern;
  • Consiliul Director format din experti in domeniu.

Citind si explicatiile si exemplele gasim fara indoila banalitati (beneficiu real, oferta unica….) extracunoscute (dar pe care nu intotdeauna le aplicam – sic!), dar si idei noi, interesante (dualitatea echipei de management – cu exemplul clasic deja Steve Ballmer / Bill Gates). Mi se pare interesant de meditat un pic si asupra (mi-aduc aminte de bancul cu „sefu’ nu doarme, el mediteaza”) valorii adaugate de Consiliul Director (Board of Directors) – mecanism extrem de folosit in US si complet ignorat in Romania.
Bagati de seama ca finantarea nu intra in „essentials”…. Este utila fara indoiala, dar nu face diferenta.

Una peste alta un 300 de pagini care merita citite in momentul in care te hotarasti sa faci o firma mare, ba chiar peste care merita sa te mai uiti din cand in cand…. sa vezi ca esti pe cale sa deraiezi – si sa te pui la loc pe sine. Un exercitiu de vedere de sus de tot (sus de tot de tot 🙂 ) asupra unui business.



Mihai Brehar

July 9th, 2009 at 10:10 am

Tot pe aceeasi tema, iti recomand Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t (Jim Collins)

Cartea e foarte buna si scoate la iveala niste concepte solide, facand o analiza a mai multor companii din Fortune 500 care au reusit sa aiba performante extraordinare, sustenabile pe o perioada lunga de timp(>15 ani)


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    Dan Jipa

    July 19th, 2009 at 1:03 am

    Good to Great, este o carte extraordinara Mihai. Plina de continut, analize, rapoarte serioase pe termen lung (spre deosebire de modelul american al diluarii mesajului in sute de pagini).

    In schimb, greseala pe care am facut-o eu, si e posibil sa o faca si altii, a fost sa citesc cartea asta, intr-un moment precoce. Inainte sa inteleg/invat aspecte fundamentale ale unei afaceri – Pilonii, as putea spune.

    Ca si recomandare, cititi aceasta carte la momentul potrivit. Pentru a lua cat mai mult din ea. Eu planuiesc sa o recitesc in 2-3 ani.

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Cristian Ducu

July 9th, 2009 at 10:33 am

Ideea de “Board of Directors” este complet ignorata in Romania, cred eu, din doua motive principale: 1) nu exista o cultura a guvernarii companiilor (nu se vede utilitatea sa); si 2) modelul de business nu corespunde unei astfel de structuri (ideea de AGA e cea care domina la noi). In SUA, de exemplu, rolul Board-ului este clar delimitat, el asigurand de altfel independenta Comitetului de Audit (conform legislatiei SEC) si a functiei de Ethics & Compliance Officer. Pe de alta parte, Board-ul este cel care selecteaza CEO-ul, fie din randurile sale, fie din afara (nici un actionar majoritar nu ar fi de acord cu asta, preferand sa puna el pe cine vrea). In acest caz, CEO-ul este doar un steward al intereselor Board-ului.

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July 9th, 2009 at 12:21 pm

@Cristian Ducu , stati mai ca abia avem si noi 20 de ani de capitalism… , in timp invatam si noi ce e cu cultura guvernarii companiilor si modele de business! 🙂

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Alex Circei

July 14th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

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Daniela Sandu

December 31st, 2010 at 9:40 am

Cartea nu poate fi downloadata ? Cum? Poate fi gasita si in limba romana?

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