Bizdev – Corpdev

In: Entrepreneurship / 4 comments

24 Aug 2010

We see a lot of people and we often receive business cards from persons whose job is a mystery to us. And then we often try to work on certain projects with people who don’t have expertise in that area. One of the reasons is that we don’t recognize their positions and what they mean, especially in American culture. So let’s see what BizDev and CorpDev are.

BizDev – short for Business Development – are those people who deal with strategic internal projects that are supposed to bring growth to the company. In different companies these people have different priorities but they generally deal with introducing new projects/products in the portfolio. They talk with clients, with suppliers, with any partner and they come with recommendations regarding new products / services / partnerships.

CorpDev – short for Corporate Development – are the people who decide on the company’s new acquisitions. They receive (generally from those above – BizDev) a list of priorities for the year. In other words, they are told that new products need to be developed in directions X, Y and Z. And CorpDevs look left and right for opportunities to buy more efficiently than in-house development.

M&A – Mergers & Acquisitions – an older name for those who buy companies. They are much less involved in the business side of the purchase decision; I would even say that, generally, they are not involved at all. They negotiate the price and the contracts. In general they are finance and negotiation people.

In conclusion, if you want to do business with a company, you contact a BizDev. He has all the knowledge of the future strategy of the company; he will guide you exactly where you need to be and tell you what to do in order to be able to work together. Once the joint project is completed or planned, if there is willingness, the project can turn into a closer collaboration or it can enter CorpDev’s area of expertise.

(English version by Teodora Popescu)

Original Romanian version

Bizdev – Corpdev

Ne vedem cu multi oameni si primim carti de vizita ale unor persoane carora nu le intelegem jobul. Si atunci de multe ori ajungem sa incercam sa facem proiecte cu cei care nu sunt responsabili de zona respectiva. Unul din motive este ca nu recunoastem pozitiile lor si ce inseamna ele, mai ales in cultura americana. Sa vedem un pic cine sunt BizDev si CorpDev.

BizDev – Prescurtare de la Business Development – sunt acei oameni care se ocupa cu proiecte interne, strategice, care sa creasca compania. In diverse companii oamenii acestia au diverse prioritati, dar in general ei se ocupa de aparitia unor proiecte/produse noi in portofoliu. Discuta cu clienti, cu furnizori, cu orice fel de parteneri si vin cu recomandari de produse/servicii/parteneriate noi.

CorpDev – Prescurtare de la Corporate Development – sunt oamenii care decid achizitiile de noi companii. Ei primesc (in general de la cei de mai sus – BizDev) o lista de prioritati pentru anul in curs. Adica li se spune ca trebuie sa dezvoltam noi produse in directiile X, Y si Z. Iar CorpDevii se uita in stanga si in dreapta sa vada oportunitati de a cumpara mai eficient decat dezvoltarea inhouse.

M&A – Mergers & Acquisitions – denumire mai veche a celor care cumpara companii. Sunt mult mai putin implicati in latura de business a deciziei de achizitie, ba chiar in general nu sunt implicati de loc. Ei negociaza pretul si contractele. In general sunt oameni de finante si negociere.

Ca o concluzie, daca vrei sa faci afaceri cu o companie iei legatura cu un BizDev. El are toate cunostintele legate de strategia de viitor a companiei, te va indruma exact ce anume sa faci pentru a putea lucra impreuna. Odata proiectul comun realizat sau planificat, daca exista dorinta proiectul se poate transforma intr-o colaborare mai stransa sau poate trece in gradina lui CorpDev.




August 26th, 2010 at 12:12 pm

Bun dictionar 🙂
Multumim de sharing 😉

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Marian Banica

August 30th, 2010 at 4:37 am

Neata Radu,

Cand ai inceput sa scrii aveam impresia ca vei scrie doar pentru tineri, oameni la inceput de drum care vor sa construiasca ceva in business. Apoi am inteles ca nu numai si asta ma bucura. As aprecia (mai mult) daca ai scrie concret despre ce pasi trebuie evitati la inceputul unui business mai ales in momentul actual de … instabilitate (politica si economica).


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September 28th, 2010 at 12:54 pm

Iar nu mai am ce citi vineri dimineata la cafea! 🙁

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Radu Georgescu